REWE launches advertising campaign to promote its own brand in Germany
ja! – nem véletlenül ez a neve a REWE talán legismertebb saját márkájának, hiszen vásárlói rendszerint a lehető legjobb minőséget kapják alacsony áron. A márkát népszerűsítő új kampány, mely „Mindent megteszünk a ja!-ért!” néven fut, betekintést enged a termékek előállításába, így a vásárlók saját szemükkel láthatják, mennyi jó van a ja!-ban. A kampány április 30-ig tart.
The TV spot gives a brief introduction into the production of pizza, pasta, bread and ice cream and encourages shoppers to buy at low prices. The campaign’s awareness-raising motifs will also appear on out-of-home and outdoor posters, as well as on the company’s own social media channels. In stores, customers will find special displays of ja! products and with REWE App coupons, they can try a different ja! product every day for free (if they buy for at least €25).
Launched more than 40 years ago, ja! is now not only one of the oldest but also the best-known private labels. The range once consisted of 28 SKUs, but that number has grown to over 1100 by now.
The look of ja! has also evolved to keep pace with changes: the iconic blue logo on a white background and the brand’s colour scheme have undergone significant changes. And the convincing quality that ja! consistently offers is proven by the “sehr gut” ratings from Stiftung Warentest and Öko-Test.
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