PwC Global Top 100: The market capitalization of the 100 largest companies fell sharply
Europe is the only region that was able to increase its share in the last year! The market capitalization of the world’s 100 largest companies decreased by 11% compared to the same period last year, which is the most significant decline since 2009.
This year, PwC also produced the Global Top 100 companies analysis, which ranks companies based on their market capitalization. The results reveal that the market capitalization of the world’s 100 largest companies decreased by 11% in 2023 – an amount equivalent to nearly 3.8 trillion dollars – compared to the same period in 2022, which is the largest decline since the global financial crisis of 2009 (- 39%). In this situation, Europe performed the best: it was the only region that managed to increase its market capitalization despite the challenging global macroeconomic environment. The order of the first five companies – Apple, Microsoft, Saudi Aramco, Alphabet and Amazon – remained unchanged, according to PwC’s latest global analysis.
A rangsor nagyrészt stabil maradt
A 100-as toplistába idén nem került be közvetlen belépő elsődleges nyilvános kibocsátás, azaz Initial Public Offering (IPO) révén, ami összhangban van a globális IPO-piac visszafogott helyzetével. Kilencvenegy vállalat 2022 márciusától megőrizte pozícióját a 2023-as listán – így a rangsorban 2023-ban nagyobb stabilitás tapasztalható, mint az előző évben. Az első öt vállalat – az Apple, a Microsoft, a Saudi Aramco, az Alphabet és az Amazon – sorrendje változatlan maradt, de tíz év óta először mindannyiuk piaci kapitalizációja csökkent, ami a teljes piaci kapitalizáció-csökkenés 50%-át tette ki idén.
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