PwC: Hungarian CEOs are confident in the macroeconomic growth trajectory, but cautious about their own company’s prospects

By: Trademagazin Date: 2025. 02. 19. 12:22

According to 70 percent of Hungarian CEOs, the global economy will grow faster in the next 12 months, and 60 percent are confident in the growth of Hungarian GDP, while only 39 percent expect their own company to grow, the CEO of PwC Hungary announced at the consulting firm’s press conference in Budapest on Thursday.

László Radványi, presenting the results of the consulting firm’s 14th Hungarian CEO Survey, said that Hungarian CEOs have never been so confident in the growth of the global economy, but at the same time, they have never been so pessimistic about the future prospects of their own companies.

The reason for the significant discrepancy between the two figures is questionable, he added.

The 39 percent rate of confidence in revenue growth is in line with the results of the global survey, while before the pandemic this rate was still 90 percent.

Regarding the prospects for Hungarian economic growth, one in six business leaders expects an acceleration, 21 percent expect a slowdown, and 19 percent expect no change. The latest survey data is in line with the results for 2024.

According to the information, Hungarian business leaders expect an average of 415 forints per euro, 4.8 percent inflation, and 1.8 percent GDP growth in 2025.

99 percent of those surveyed believe that the Russian-Ukrainian war will end this year, and 82 percent said that Hungary could introduce the euro in 2034.

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