More and more young people choose renewed vocational training

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 09. 04. 10:51

More and more young people are choosing the renewed vocational training, there are many new opportunities in the flexible system – emphasized Gáborné Pölöskei, the deputy state secretary responsible for vocational training of the Ministry of Culture and Innovation (KIM) on the morning program of the current channel M1 on Tuesday.

He recalled that content and pedagogical methodological developments have been implemented in Hungarian vocational training that students like, and companies expect that graduates entering the labor market have the necessary competencies.

The deputy state secretary said that young people applying for vocational training choose not only a profession, but also a sector.

Among the most popular sectors among applicants, he mentioned tourism, hospitality, mechanical engineering, electronics, trade, construction, farming and management, beauty, education, and health.

According to Gáborné Pölöskei, Hungarian vocational training offers a good career path, because those who graduate from it can find good job opportunities on the labor market and can enter higher education.

As an example, he mentioned that students in the certified technician field receive not only a graduation certificate, but also university credit points.

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