PENNY: committed to domestic values

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2024. 12. 10. 10:58

In 2024 PENNY’s commitment to Hungarian products was particularly strong.

This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/12-2025/01

The retailer took three big steps in this direction. It has partnered with a credible culinary expert, chef Richárd Farkas, who is well known for his creative cuisine relying on local ingredients. PENNY also made a heart-warming commercial that is based on the “from the farm to store shelves” approach, supporting Hungarian producers and the benefits of a shorter supply chain.

The award was received by Eszter Kazatsay head of communications, Géza Vincze purchasing director

PENNY’s dedication to working for the Hungarian economy has been recognised by Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft. and Trade magazin: the discounter was awarded the Retail Award of Excellence for Hungarian Product for the third time in 2024. This prize rewards those retailers who show outstanding support in the market access of Hungarian producers and the promotion of Hungarian products. //

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