
Nestlé identifies “climate-resilient coffee plants” using data science methods and AI

Nestlé experts are exploring how advanced data science and AI can be leveraged to help select and breed more climate-resilient plants amid climate change threatening coffee cultivation. While more than...

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The sector of animal breeders is facing a huge opportunity

European agriculture and farmers are suffering enormous damage, and animal husbandry is also under intense attacks, Brussels’ communication discredits farmers and deceives consumers. Meanwhile, Hungarian livestock breeders and livestock keepers...

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Plant-based proteins offer “complete” source of essential amino acids, experts reveal

A new report aims to bust the “myth” of plant-based protein being an incomplete source of essential amino acids, arguing that many of the most popular vegan proteins contain all...

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The new agricultural support website has been launched

Information related to the Hungarian Common Agricultural Policy Strategic Plan for the period 2023-2027 is available in a renewed form from today on the new website, Hungary’s 2023-2027 Common...

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Hungary has plenty of work to do in the regional “long-distance running”

Based on the ten- and twenty-year trends – one of the most important indicators of which is GDP per capita measured at purchasing power parity – the Hungarian economy is...

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Consumers hate “dynamic pricing”.

In the past period, customers had to familiarize themselves with a new concept: dynamic pricing. Many consider it a simple scam, but the companies insist on it nonetheless. Prices used...

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NGM State Secretary: the ESG Act strengthens the competitiveness of Hungarian businesses

The aim of the law defining the framework for responsible environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) is to strengthen the competitiveness of Hungarian enterprises and promote the creation of a...

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György Raskó: the purchase of basic foodstuffs is also a serious challenge for many Hungarian households

The serious problem of impoverishment is still noticeable among the Hungarian population, say experts. According to agricultural economist György Raskó, even the purchase of basic foodstuffs is a serious challenge...

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According to international financial institutions, Hungary is returning to the path of economic growth

According to the forecasts of the international financial institutions, the Hungarian economy will return to the growth path this year, which could be above 2 percent – said Tibor Tóth,...

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In the OECD, inflation stagnated in February

In the countries belonging to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the average annual increase in consumer prices was 5.7 percent in February, the same as in January....

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More than one hundred and thirty entries were received for the Pálinka-based Bonbon of the Year 2024 competition

One hundred and thirty-three entries were received for the Pálinka Bonbon of the Year 2024 competition, said the originator of the competition on Wednesday in the Almásy Castle in Gyula,...

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Digimeter 2024: Reorganization instead of digital catch-up

After 2020, 2021 and 2022, Digiméter assessed the level of digitization of domestic small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) for the fourth time. The value of the main index, measured on...

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The Hungarian Logistics Association (MLE) and Budapest Metropolitan University (METU) celebrate Logistics Day at a joint professional conference

Today is Logistics Day. In this case, people interested in logistics can come across numerous programs across the country and beyond. A large-scale logistics conference was organized by the Hungarian...

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The current labor market situation favors companies ready to expand

here is still an active presence of employees in the domestic labor market. As in the previous quarter, nearly 20% more applications were made in the first three months of...

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Upcoming changes in the Hungarian Food Book

Trade magazin has asked deputy state secretary Dr Beáta Olga Felkai about the upcoming changes in the Hungarian Food Book: “The Hungarian Food Book is a collection of legislation, some...

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It turned out how productive Hungarian companies are

We need to prepare for hybrid working in the longer term: more than a third of Hungarian white-collar workers work from home for at least one or two days –...

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Rosé spritz and extra discounts await bikers across the country this weekend

This year too, the season-opening cycling-friendly weekend, which was announced by the Hungarian Cycling Tourism Association (MAKETUSZ) for April 20-21, cannot be missed. As part of the program, it is...

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Soon you can withdraw money for free at the Post Office

From January 1, 2025, new rules regarding cash withdrawals will enter into force in Hungary. According to the decree, it will be possible to withdraw a maximum of HUF 150,000...

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Tesco: dedicated menopause section in the UK

In the United Kingdom Tesco is testing a menopause section: it is marking menopause-relevant products with the world’s first universal symbol, the M-tick, both online and offline. From 7 February...

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What will you be eating tomorrow?

Plant-Powered Perspectives is a business conference, which took place for the third time last year at the METRO Gastro Academy, and it is also Hungary’s premier plant-based food event. This...

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Agricultural subsidies: MBH Bank provides pre-financing for up to several years

MBH Bank further expanded the possibilities of pre-financing agricultural subsidies. At the credit institution, farmers can now apply for pre-financing of grants within the framework of the Unified Applications, not...

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Construction of the industrial park next to the logistics center continues in Zalaegerszeg

The second phase of the construction of the industrial park to be built next to the future logistics center of the German Metrans will continue in Zalaegerszeg at a cost...

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Agrometeorology: nighttime ground frosts are returning

Temperatures corresponding to the first half of April will remain, and at night, weak frosts will threaten the fruit harvest in the frost-prone areas, HungaroMet Zrt. wrote in its agrometeorological...

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Mercadona Boosts Investment In Portugal

Spanish supermarket chain Mercadona is planning to inject €180 million into its Portuguese subsidiary to fund continued expansion plans in the country throughout 2024. The additional investment will directly support...

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HelloFresh Opens New Automated Production Facility In The UK

Meal kit firm HelloFresh has opened an automated production facility in Derbyshire, as it seeks to boost the growth and innovation of its brands in the UK. The site, named...

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Agricultural insurance claim payments decreased in 2023

Agricultural premium income totaled HUF 32.8 billion (-10 percent), and damage payments totaled HUF 12.1 billion (-77.2 percent) in 2023. Thus, revenues decreased by a tenth and payments by almost...

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Card payments continue to grow in Germany

According to data from the EHI research centre, card payments in the German retail sector have reached €300 billion for the first time. Girocard is particularly popular with shoppers. „The...

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The aflatoxin load of Hungarian consumers was examined by Nébih specialists

The University of Debrecen and the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) participated in a joint project entitled: “Determining the short-term and long-term aflatoxin exposure of Hungarian consumers in the...

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Twenty years in the EU: how has Hungarian consumption changed?

On 1 May 2004 ten new member states joined the European Union, including Hungary. In connection with this, GKI has examined how the consumption of the population changed during the...

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Carefree consumers? Considerable differences in the middle-aged camp

Although inflation receded, the income of middle-aged people did not increase significantly, so the proportion of those who see their financial situation as good or poor did not change significantly....

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