
K&H: cashless payment keeps booming

Smart device payments continue to grow rapidly, according to K&H. In the first five months of the year, there were more than 18 million transactions, 75% more than a year...

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Every second Nespresso coffee capsule is recycled in Hungary

Nespresso has been collecting used capsules in its Boutique in Hungary for more than 10 years. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/8-9. According to the company,...

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Hungarians consume many times the daily requirement of vitamin C, unnecessarily

The human body needs a daily intake of 80 mg of vitamin C, according to the recommendations. In contrast, 40 percent of Hungarians consume 1,000 mg every day – according...

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Nébih: the Szupermenta product test program is celebrating its anniversary

The Supermint product test program of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) is celebrating its anniversary, the experts have performed more than 215,000 laboratory parameter tests on about 2,180...

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The government protects the interests of farmers by all means

If Brussels does not act, our country will extend the ban on the import of Ukrainian grain after September 15th, Minister of Agriculture István Nagy announced in Sofia, where he...

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Cabbage in the open field costs less than the previous year

According to KSH data, Hungary produced 39.8 thousand tons of head cabbage in 2022, 7 percent more than a year earlier. Hungary’s head and red cabbage foreign trade balance was negative...

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Kagylótenyésztésbe fogott a Colruyt Group Belgiumban

A belga Colruyt Csoport betakarította az első adag kagylót saját északi-tengeri farmján. A bejelentésre 18 hónappal azután került sor, hogy a vállalat megkezdte a belga partoktól mintegy öt kilométerre található...

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Lactalis launches Président into the whipped cream category

As a rival to Conagra Reddi-wip and Kraft Heinz Cool Whip, Lactalis is launching the cheese and gourmet butter brand Président into the whipped cream category. The new French-style Président...

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The tomato, or fruit, is among the vegetables

Tomatoes are the sweetest vegetables. So much so that it’s fruit. We still call it a vegetable, because we treat it as such in the kitchen. We use it for salty...

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Captain Morgan Launches Alcohol-Free Beverage

Diageo has announced the launch of Captain Morgan Spiced Gold 0.0%, an alcohol-free alternative to the brand’s Original Spiced Gold. The drink will be rolled out in Great Britain from...

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The world market price of white sugar decreased slightly

The average world market price of white sugar in July 2023 was EUR 610/ton, 3 percent lower than in June. On the London Mercantile Exchange (LIFFE), the front-month quote for white...

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SPAR Albania launches “Tell Us First” customer feedback campaign

SPAR Albania has launched an interactive campaign titled “Tell Us First”, which offers customers the opportunity to provide feedback on their instore experience. The campaign aims to gather valuable insights...

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Older adults are drinking more in the US, research finds

The percentages of 18- to 34-year-olds who report that they either drink at all, drank in the past week, or sometimes drink more than they should are all lower than...

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The Ukrainian grain import ban must be maintained

The extraordinary measure banning the import of grain from Ukraine to neighboring member states must continue to be maintained, said István Nagy, Minister of Agriculture, who met with Florin-Ionut Barbu,...

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EU forecast: with falling inflation, the growth momentum of the economy will ease

In addition to the expected further decrease in inflation, the European Union’s economy will remain on a growth path, even though its momentum is easing, which is expected to last...

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The demand for spicy food is growing dramatically in our country

For Hungarians, cuisine without a spicy flavor is unimaginable, and its popularity is also growing. Almost exactly three quarters of the population eat spicy food at least once a week....

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Márton Nagy: food production is also more efficient with the help of AI

Minden területen hatalmas változásokat hozhat a mesterséges intelligencia (AI), amelyet már a távközlésben, iparban, energetikában és a mezőgazdaságban is használnak, alkalmazása évi 1,4 százalékponttal járulhat hozzá a növekedéshez világszinten –...

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Pogátsa Zoltán: A kapitalizmus definíciója a növekedés – Folytatódik a Trade magazin Business Podcastja

Fontos lenne újrafókuszálni a magyar társadalom beszélgetéseinek, vitáinak a tartalmát, mert mindössze hét évünk maradt a klímaváltozás megfordítására – véli Pogátsa Zoltán, közgazdász, akivel Krizsó Szilvia beszélgetett legújabb könyvének megjelenése...

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This year, VAT returns and transfer pricing documentation are in the crosshairs of the tax authority

In recent years, the audit methods of the tax authority have changed radically: while in previous years the auditors “knocked” with a mandate letter, this has been replaced by the...

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Szeptember végéig is eltarthat a hazai dinnyeszezon

Július elején indult a hazai dinnyeszezon, amely kedvező időjárás esetén akár szeptember közepéig-végéig eltarthat. Részben az exportpiacok beszűkülése okán a termelők jelentős változtatásokat vittek végbe a fajtaválaszték és a termelési technológia...

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Nem üres frázis, hogy egységben az erő

Mennyire fontos ma az emberek számára a fenntarthatóság személyi és vállalati szinten? Hogyan működnek a jelenlegi rendszerek, és milyen további előrelépések várhatók ezen a színtéren? Egyebek mellett ezekről a témákról...

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Equal chances at Aldi Süd

Aldi Süd has signed the Women Empowerment Principles (WEP) of the United Nations (UN). The goal of the joint initiative of UN Women and UN Global Compact is to strengthen...

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Crisis support for Hungarian fish farmers

About HUF 3.1 billion is available to compensate for the difference in feed price growth and to maintain the competitiveness of the fish farming sector. In the application submission period...

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Kivonul Olaszországból, Spanyolországból és Portugáliából a Getir

A török élelmiszer-házhozszállító startup, a Getir kivonul Olaszországból, Spanyolországból és Portugáliából. A vállalat közlése szerint ezzel egyidejűleg lezár egy finanszírozási kört, és működését folytatja az Egyesült Királyságban, az Egyesült Államokban,...

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The farmers are waiting for the publication of the new precision application

The domestic agricultural machinery market may achieve outstanding turnover this year, but after that, the sector may experience a downturn. Although manufacturers are waiting for farmers with a number of revolutionary...

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A fiataloknak fontos a gyorsaság

A fiatalabb vásárlók számára különösen fontos a kiszállítás gyorsasága Magyarországon: a Z-generáció közel fele hagyta már félbe az online rendelés folyamatát a termékek kiválasztását követően, mert a felkínált kézbesítési időt...

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The international regulation of GMOs is 20 years old

Today, the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety of the Convention on Biological Diversity celebrates the 20th anniversary of its entry into force. The Cartagena Protocol to the Convention on Biological Diversity...

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Top 20 Dairy Companies In The World

Rabobank has published its annual Global Dairy Top 20 report, which showcases the performance of the top companies in one of the world’s most valuable food sectors. According to Rabobank,...

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France To Spend €200m To Destroy Surplus Wine

The French agriculture ministry is injecting €200m to help assist producers with a dramatic surplus in wine as consumer demand shifts away from the beverage. The cash pot is made up...

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Zsolt Feldman Each goose and duck product shows the performance of Hungarian agriculture

Every single foie gras, goose and duck product shows Hungarian knowledge, the performance of the Hungarian farmer and the Hungarian agrarian industry – stated the Secretary of State for Agriculture...

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