
The commitment period for the 2018 ECO grant has been extended

The Ministry of Agriculture has created the possibility for organic farmers to extend by one year from October 16, 2023 to November 15, 2023 the “Transition to organic farming, organic within...

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Walmart expands Express Delivery to 10 pm

Walmart’s online pickup and delivery is currently available at over 4,000 stores nationwide, and now the company expanded its delivery hours. With Late-Night Express Delivery, customers who order by 9:30...

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Levente Balogh: PET is the most environmentally friendly plastic

During the discussion at the Brain Bar event between Levente Balogh, founder of Szentkirályi Magyarország, and Zsófia Kovács, founder of Beautycle and an environmental researcher, it became clear that there...

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Idén újra megrendezésre kerül a V-Label Awards – médiatámogatója a Trade magazin

Idén újra megrendezésre kerül a V-Label Awards – médiatámogatója a Trade magazin A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/8-9. lapszámában olvasható. Újra itt a Nemzetközi V-Label Awards, a növényi alapú iparágban...

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About the renewed Delegated General Assembly of the Milk Interprofessional Organization and Product Council

On September 20, 2023, the Tej Szakmaközi Szerzevetz and Product Council held its renewal Delegated General Assembly, due every three years. The delegates of the Tej Product Council elected the...

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You don’t have to be afraid of Generation Z! – We show that they will be the most effective members of the team!

The arrival of the Y and especially the Z generations on the labor market started long discussions in the corporate world. A recent study by ResumeBuilder tries to answer the...

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Beauty care at its best – This is how the first Beauty Expo went

The first Beauty Expo event of Rossmann and Krémmánia was of great interest, where beauty care played a leading role for a whole day. At this year’s beauty event, nearly...

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New GLS Automatic strategy: Focus on small settlements

GLS Hungary has reached another significant milestone: the company now operates a total of more than 1,250 parcel machines in 300 settlements. The package logistics service provider also announced that...

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More than 1,200 participants are expected at the tech conference focusing on product development

On October 5th and 6th, the Compass Tech Summit will take place for the first time, for which the organizers are expecting more than 1,200 professionals from all over the...

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Jövő évtől nem árusít üzleteiben dohánytermékeket az Albert Heijn

A holland Albert Heijn kiskereskedelmi vállalat bejelentette, hogy 2024. január 1-jétől megszűnik üzleteiben a dohányáruk és a hozzájuk kapcsolódó termékek értékesítése. A cég lépése összhangban áll a holland kormány azon...

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The consumer price of fresh milk, sour cream, Trappist cheese and butter decreased

In July 2023, the producer price of raw milk in national currency decreased by 14 percent in the European Union, by 27 percent in New Zealand, and by 32 percent...

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Lithuanian shoppers use five times less single-use plastic bags

Lithuanian shoppers are using five times less single-use plastic bags when shopping – retailer Iki informed one week after the introduction of a new law, according to which customers have...

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OMSZ: the grain corn crop of the EU may be better than last year

At the European Union level, compared to the average of the past 5 years, the expected average yield of grain corn this year has decreased by 3 percent, mainly due...

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Agrometeorology: canola would need a lot of rain

Rapeseed would need a lot of rainfall, because the sown seeds do not germinate in the dry soil in many places, or only with difficulty, the National Meteorological Service wrote...

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Anuga FoodTec focuses on development and innovation in 2024

With more than 1600 exhibitors, the internationally renowned Anuga FoodTec 2024 will bring together industry experts in Cologne between 19 and 22 March 2024. “The experts will present the latest...

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Kraft Heinz benefiting from global recognition

The global recognition of the Heinz brand has boosted international growth for the Kraft Heinz Co. “The Heinz brand is one of those unique brands in the world that, although...

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Less feed was produced in 2022 than the previous year

In Hungary, mixing plants produced 3.637 million tons of livestock feed mixture in 2022, 8.1 percent less than the previous year. Poultry feed accounted for 1.786 million tons, 49.1 percent of...

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E.Leclerc Continues To Lead The French Grocery Market

France’s E.Leclerc has reported a 1.1 percentage point increase in market share in the nine months to 3 September 2023, to hold 23.8% of the French grocery market, new data...

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High-quality red onions on the cutting boards!

Red onion is an essential and indispensable ingredient of Hungarian cuisine. We will soon be able to chop high-quality red onions, as the opportunity to apply for this product range has...

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Smurfit Kappa Group and WestRock Corporation merge

“I am delighted to confirm that Smurfit Kappa will merge with WestRock to create a new company called Smurfit WestRock,” says Tony Smurfit, Group CEO. The new company’s manufacturing and...

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More than half of Hungarian women regularly buy from webshops, the largest proportion of which is food

In Hungary, women most often order food on a monthly and weekly basis during their online shopping, but purchasing clothing, medical or even drugstore products online is also particularly popular...

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Rossmann raises wages for the second time this year

Rossmann is raising its wages for the second time this year, this time the drugstore is spending HUF 300 million to increase the salaries of its employees. The company, which...

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The best startups can make a big splash with PURINA’s business mentoring program

For the fifth time this year, PURINA is announcing its international accelerator program, for which applications from companies providing technical solutions and services in the field of pet keeping and...

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They closed a loophole in the Price Monitor

he Economic Competition Office (GVH) and the working group that created the system are constantly developing the online Price Monitor. Thanks to this, retailers who have reduced the price of...

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You can now reserve a table at the restaurants participating in the autumn program of the National Restaurant Week

From Wednesday, you can reserve a table at the restaurants participating in the autumn program of the National Restaurant Week; during the event, more than 150 restaurants across the country...

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Már háromféle ízben elérhető a vegán Philadelphia krémsajt

Júliustól kapható az Egyesült Államokban a már több mint 150 éves Philadelphia® krémsajt vegán változata. A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/8-9. lapszámában olvasható. Mielőtt a márka belépett a kategóriába, a növényi...

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Spokesman: the European Commission would extend the authorization of glyphosate by ten years

The European Commission proposes a ten-year extension of the license for the use of glyphosate-containing plant protection products within the European Union, informed Stefan de Keersmaecker, the competent spokesperson of...

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A pig farm in Békéscsaba was built with almost six billion forints

A pig farm on the outskirts of Békéscsaba was built with almost six billion forints, where 25,000 slaughter pigs are expected to be sold annually, the investor Hajdúsági Agráripari (HAGE)...

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2028-ig meghosszabbította együttműködését az Aral és a Lekkerland

A két vállalat a REWE To Go koncepció Lekkerland közreműködésével történő kiterjesztését és fejlesztését tervezi az Aral helyszíneken. Az Aral friss snackeket, hideg és meleg ételeket és italokat fog kínálni,...

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Polish Minister of Agriculture: Warsaw is ready to negotiate with Kyiv on Ukrainian grain exports

Warsaw is ready to negotiate with Kiev on grain exports – Polish Minister of Agriculture Robert Telus indicated on Wednesday, responding to the statement of his Ukrainian official partner that...

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