
More than two-thirds of shoppers will pay a premium for fresh food: Deloitte

More than two-thirds (68%) of shoppers who participated in a recent survey “Fresh Food at the Intersection of Trust and Transparency,” conducted by Deloitte indicated they are willing to pay...

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Hungarian and Moldovan relations must be made closer

Agriculture Minister István Nagy discussed agricultural, food industry and plant breeding issues with Dumitru Alaiba, Moldova’s minister responsible for economic development and digitalization, in his office on Wednesday morning. The...

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7.4 billion forints will be reimbursed to the producers

On October 6, 2023, the Hungarian State Treasury will begin refunding to more than 70,000 producers the amount of HUF 7.4 billion that was previously withdrawn for the purpose of...

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The latest issue of Trade magazine has been published!

The digital version is available with more content once again, and can be read by clicking on the front page below. In the October issue of Trade magazin, we set...

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CSR Hungary Summit 2023: A good place to be! Where it’s good to study! Where it’s good to develop!

Since 2006, the CSR Hungary conferences have been the leading professional events for CSR Hungary’s corporate responsibility and sustainability decision makers. This year, the fall CSR Hungary Summit awaits economic...

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Stores are still more popular than webshops

Due to the rise of e-commerce solutions, many people in trade might have thought that traditional stores were dying. However, customers seem to have a different opinion and are not...

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Dr. Mária Törőcsik is the lifetime achievement awardee of the Hungarian Marketing Association

In addition to annually awarding the best marketing and digital solutions, the Hungarian Marketing Association (MMSZ) also awards the organization’s most important recognition, the Tonk Emil Lifetime Achievement Award, in...

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Kivezeti kínálatából az egyszer használatos evőeszközöket a brit ALDI

Az ALDI kivezeti az összes egyszer használatos evőeszközt Food to Go kínálatából, ezzel is arra ösztönözve a fogyasztókat, hogy térjenek át a többször használható eszközökre. A cikk a Trade magazin...

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ALDI promotes Hungarian Product Month with a prize draw

In August ALDI organised a consumer prize draw in cooperation with Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft. Promoting Hungarian Product Month, between 3 and 30 August ALDI offered valuable prizes to customers...

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Felfelé kúszott augusztusban a GKI konjunktúraindex

Augusztusban az elmúlt öt hónap legmagasabb értékét érte el a GKI konjunktúraindex, melyet a GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt. készített el az EU támogatásával. A felmérésből kiderült, hogy a magyar üzleti és lakossági várakozások...

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Reálértéken csökkent az e-kereskedelmi forgalom – GKID-Mastercard: 2023-ban is tovább polarizálódik az e-kereskedelem

Infláció alatti féléves forgalombővülés, töretlenül emelkedő rendelési frekvencia, stagnáló belföldi piac, élénkülő importforgalom és csökkenő online FMCG-vásárlószám jellemzi az online kiskereskedelem idei első hat hónapját, ahol a forgalom koncentrálódása miatt egyre inkább felértékelődik az...

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The issue of generational change is current in nearly 150,000 companies in Hungary today

Drastic changes are taking place quietly in the global labor market, because according to forecasts, by 2025, 27% of active employees will already be from generation Z. There are more...

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MMSZ joined the network of national marketing associations

The more than 30-year-old Hungarian Marketing Association (MMSZ) is committed to shaping and promoting the role of marketing and its ability to create value. Hungary’s dominant professional community represents and...

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A növényi alapú kategóriába is belép a PepsiCo Muscle Milk terméke

A növényi alapú trendet követő fogyasztók számára is vonzó alternatívát kínálni vágyó PepsiCo bevezeti a Muscle Milket a növényi alapú kategóriába. A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/10. lapszámában olvasható. A...

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The price of eggs at the packing point is more than 50 percent higher than a year ago

According to the data of the AKI PÁIR, the packing point price of table eggs (M+L) from cage keeping in Hungary was HUF 59.03/piece in the first thirty-eight weeks of...

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France kicks off bird flu vaccination despite trade backlash risk

France began vaccinating ducks against bird flu on Monday to try and stem the virus that killed millions of birds worldwide, a move that prompted the United States to impose...

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Nestlé sets ambitious sales targets for healthier foods

Nestlé aims to significantly increase its sales of health food products. CEO Mark Schneider has set a target of 20-25 billion Swiss francs more revenue in this area by 2030,...

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The Agrár Széchenyi Card MAX+ is available with an interest rate of five percent

The recently launched Agrár Széchenyi Kártya MAX+ overdraft facility is a huge help for Hungarian agriculture in bridging the market difficulties caused by the Ukrainian grain crisis, announced Zsolt Feldman,...

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Delivering value to shoppers will remain paramount for grocers, McKinsey study finds

More than 70% of consumers recently surveyed by the consulting firm said discounts are more important to them now than a year ago. Grocers will face continuing pressure to deliver value...

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The volume of beef exports decreased by 9 percent

According to AKI’s slaughter statistics data, cattle slaughter in January-August 2023 decreased by 10 percent compared to January-August 2022. Cows, which account for more than two-thirds of all slaughters, were slaughtered...

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KSH: The volume of exports of food, beverages, and tobacco decreased by 2.9 percent, while that of imports decreased by 11 percent

In July, the export volume increased by 3.2 percent, while the import volume decreased by 5.4 percent compared to the same period of the previous year. The assets were 559...

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More and more customers pay in the store with a credit card

In the second quarter of 2023, despite the fact that consumption decreased, we observed interesting trends in credit card purchases in the domestic retail sector. Based on the MNB’s data,...

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The insect sector can have a great future in Hungary as well

The insect sector in Europe and Hungary holds significant potential, with experts predicting it could reach a total turnover of up to 2 billion euros by the end of the...

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Új beszállítói partneri programot indít a Danone

A beszállítókkal, start-upokkal és intézményekkel való kapcsolatainak szorosabbra fűzése céljából „globális stratégiai partnerségi programot” indított a Danone. A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/10. lapszámában olvasható. Az Activia és az Evian...

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Védjegyes termékein keresztül is eléri a fogyasztókat a Pécsi Sörfőzde

A Pécsi Sörfőzde 175 éve van jelen a hazai sörgyártásban. A 2017 óta magyar tulajdonban lévő cég nagy hangsúlyt fektet a minőségitermék-előállításra és innováció­ra, és a hagyományos gyártási eljárások megőrzésére is. A...

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Freezes its prices until the end of the SPAR year

SPAR is extending the ÁRSTOP Extra Promotion for another three months, and thus the price of 300 products will remain at the price level valid on September 30, 2023. A...

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Szárnyaló szárnyasárak

Az AKI PÁIR adatai szerint Magyarországon a vágócsirke élősúlyos termelői ára 27%-kal 502,76 forint/kilogrammra, a vágópulykáé 32,9%-kal 695,74 forint/kilogrammra emelkedett 2023 első harmincnégy hetében 2022 azonos időszakához képest. A cikk...

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Növeli befektetését a Molson Coors a Zoa Energy márkában

Elmélyíti együttműködését a Molson Coors Beverage Company a Zoa energiaital-márkával, amellyel először 2021-ben írt alá kizárólagos forgalmazásról szóló szerződést. A kiterjesztett megállapodás pénzügyi feltételeit nem hozták nyilvánosságra, de a megnövelt...

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The e-GN practice interface is available

The National Food Chain Security Office (Nébih) has developed a practical interface for the electronic management log (eGN). The development is a great help to farmers in log keeping: it...

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Operating costs of office buildings can be radically reduced

Just in the most critical period, the solar system operating on the buildings of the real estate development and management company Alfa Group radically reduced the operating costs of the...

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