Motivation with voucher

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2010. 12. 03. 14:10

Sodexo came out with a new voucher in October: BÓNUSZ is not a non-wage benefit, it can be more widely used than cold or hot food vouchers and it is about motivation.

Business development director Sándor Szabó tells us more.

T. M.: BÓNUSZ voucher is a new product of Sodexo Motivation Solutions. What does the latter concept mean? – Sz. S.: We think that motivation is of crucial importance in the life of all companies. Motivation creates a better quality of life for employees, business partners and consumers. As for the term solutions: we think together with partners from planning to realisation.

• T. M.: How are motivation benefits different from non-wage benefits? – Sz. S.: Motivation benefits are not given by the employer to the employee, but by a company to business partners, distributors or customers.

• T. M.: What can BÓNUSZ vouchers be used for? – Sz. S.: First and foremost for motivating shoppers or as a business gift. Vouchers are very effective tools for promoting the sales of products or services: they are easy to get, easy to store and can be used for many purposes by the recipient.

• T. M.: Where can BÓNUSZ vouchers be used? – Sz. S.: In travel agencies, beauty parlours, clothes shops, or at Spar, Match and Auchan – at several thousand places all over Hungary.

• T. M.: Why is it good for retailers to accept these vouchers? – Sz. S.: Because they represent extra sales. It is also likely that consumers will use them to buy some kind of premium product.

•T. M.: How do you support the launch of BÓNUSZ vouchers? – Sz. S.: We try to reach sales and marketing personnel via an Internet newsletter. There will be a radio promotion as well.

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