Viktor Orbán: the food price freeze will remain in place until the government can set inflation on a downward path

By: Trademagazin Date: 2023. 02. 18. 11:18

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said that we must expect that the war will become more and more savage and cruel, so we must be prepared for the fact that the tone towards the country will also become more and more harsh and merciless. The price cap remains in place for the time being.

He indicated that the food price freeze will remain in place until the government is able to bring inflation down. The interest rate cap will also remain, which protects 350,000 families against sudden jumps in interest rates, he listed.

He said: as of May 1, a monthly national pass and county pass valid for both buses and trains will be introduced. The county pass will cost 9,450 forints, and the monthly national pass will cost 18,900 forints.

2022 was a year that could have broken the backbone of the Hungarian economy in two, yet in February employment was higher than ever before, foreign exchange reserves were at a record high and the forint also calmed down.