On self-acceptance, self-liberation and the gift of everyday life – We were learning together (Business Days 2024 Part 2)
On Friday at the Business Days conference it was all about winding down after a week of intense focus, in preparation for the upcoming weekend: the final day was about spiritual matters.
This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/12-2025/01
On the way to ourselves

Dr. Kitti Almási
cllinical psychologist
Dr Kitti Almási’s conversation with Szilvia Krizsó about her new book analysed the influence of unresolved events and conflicts on our daily lives and decisions.
The clinical psychologist compared treating these issues to wound cleansing, which initially hurts but thanks to the cleansing – systematic processing and closure – one starts to feel better after a while.
Speaking about depression, she pointed out that a feeling of hopelessness isn’t the same as depression, but should be taken seriously as one of its symptoms.
Kitti Almási believes most of the loose ends are self-inflicted, because all of our situations are determined by our own attitudes and our inner world. If we can set off on the path of self-acceptance, we can expect positive changes in other areas of our lives, including our careers.

It is always an incredible experience to start the day with Dr. Kitti Almási and this was no different this time, either. She told apt, hard-hitting truths, as usual
Two sides of the mirror

Szilvia Krizsó
presenter, motivational speaker
Presenter and motivational speaker Szilvia Krizsó started her presentation with a quote from the film Samson: “A fairy tale is an opportunity. Opportunity is hope, hope is rebellion”. Besides our relationships with others, this idea can also be applied to the relationship with ourselves, and we can rebel against our own negative thoughts, our misconceptions and beliefs that block personal development.
She compared our lives to a film, in which we aren’t only the protagonists, but also the scriptwriters, dramaturgs and directors. This means we can decide who we want to be in this film, and whether we want to be in another film instead of the one we are currently in: we need to stand in front of a mirror, take an honest look at our own limitations and resources, and explain to our minds if we are on the wrong track.
One of the conclusions of this talk – which featured personal experiences, a thought experiment and a meditation exercise – is that often we don’t “need” an external enemy, because we can be our own enemy.

Friday this year, brought about another fantastic performance by Szilvia Krizsó – those who haven’t heard her speaking yet, cannot imagine how much they’ve missed. Business Days participants have been lucky to enjoy her presentation not for the first time, but again on a different topic. She gave a lot to everyone this time, too
Every day is a gift

Vujity Tvrtko
In his presentation Tvrtko Vujity told fascinating biographical stories to illustrate how he had to make lots of split-second decisions in his life, and that he has never had time to lament over missed opportunities. His credo is that he doesn’t want to be a journalist, he wants to be the best man in the world, which probably won’t happen, but it is a dream that no one can take away from him.
For him freedom is more important than titles and positions: he simply wants to control his own life.
His stories made the audience realise how big a chance they have to be lucky and how many opportunities they have to help others. In his view Hungarians are often unaware of the beauty in their lives, which they spoil by focusing on the difficulties. Luckily we have the power to change our lives – we have one life and we must cherish every moment of it.
The speaker concluded by expressing his faith in human relationships and their irreplaceability. //

Friday was a sensational day, with Vujity Tvrtko, the last performer, putting the icing on the cake. After his talk, he autographed two of his books for the audience, who waited patiently in a queue for nearly 1.5 hours
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