Magazine: Tracking: Credible data at every moment
It is an everyday phenomenon with logistics and parcel delivery companies that companies are unabele to keep track of delays. WebEye Telematics Zrt. has developed a system that increases efficiency and parcel recipients can be informed about the time of arrival with greater accuracy.

Levente Tóth
deputy CEO
WebEye Magyarország
Deputy CEO Levente Tóth informed that the biggest problem for companies operating large trucks is the lack of a standard European road toll system and the management of road tolls. WebEye’s view is that the solution to this problem is granting direct access to European Electronic Toll Services (EETS) to as many of the company’s customers as possible. WebEye’s special software and the related service – users can subsribe to this by paying a monthly fee – can make the use of telematics more popular among goods transport and parcel delivery companies.

Lajos Szabó
owner and managing
According to Lajos Szabó, owner and managing director of iData Kft., customer needs have chnged considerably in tracking solutions – formerly the main things were filtering out ‘undesired’ events and better work organisation. Today the service must offer much more and the flexible iTrack Vizsla is capable of this, the company can satisfy special needs in just a couple of hours.

Krisztina Vatai
business development
GS1 Magyarország
Krisztina Vatai, business development director of GS1 Magyarország thinks that shoppers are more likely to buy a product about which lots of information is available to them from every stage, and this type of data can only be acquired by using tracking technology. GS1 standards are the most widely used in the supply chain. Teaming up with the Ministry of Agriculture, three years ago the company launhced the National Food Tracking Platform. //
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