From November, an egg can cost HUF 150

By: Trademagazin Date: 2022. 10. 25. 12:25

Drought, war, weakening of the forint – inflation does not miss the egg. Recently, the price of eggs has risen by HUF 20 per week, so by November, the average price of eggs in Hungary could be HUF 150. Based on Eurostat data, we became European champions, as the price of eggs in our country increased by 9.8 percent from August to September.

Hungary is a record holder in this field, the price of eggs is increasing rapidly

But the increase did not start today, according to Forbes, agrá already wrote at this time last year that the price of eggs in Hungary had fallen badly. At the time, the article reported average prices of between 35 and 50 forints. According to the KSH, in September of last year, an egg in a pack of ten cost HUF 46.2, while this year in the same period the average price was already HUF 72.3, the Index points out.