THe Hungarian Spa Association expects a growth for the next year

By: trademagazin Date: 2014. 11. 14. 10:35

If the Széchényi Rest Cards will remain in the preferential tax band and the summer of 2015 will bring better weather than this year, 3-5 percent revenue and turnover growth can be reached in the Hungarian spas in 2015 – Juhász Szabolcs, the Secretary-General of the Hungarian Bath Association Told MTI on Thursday in Gyula at the advocacy organization’s general autumn meeting.

egri termalfurdoHe explained that the first five months of this year started well for the sector: a 7.9 percent increase occured in the sales of spa services and a 4 percent increase occured in the number of entrance ticket buyers. However, the rainy summer affected the traffic badly. There was a swimming pool, which was operating only 13 days during the three months of the Summer. In summer, compared to the previous year an average of only 0.5 percent more guests visited the facilities, but despite the stagnant traffic the bath were managed to increase their revenues from spa services by 5.9 percent – Juhász Szabolcs added. (MTI)

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