Female and not male wines
Skinnygirl offers a wine that is labeled as 100 calories. That is a motivation to try it, however it is hard to see where the calories make this wine worth drinking. The question is, is this 100 calories per bottle?–which is nearly impossible–or is it 100 calories per 5 oz glass? So the question is how many calories are in wine made by Skinnygirl per bottle? We will be honest an admit that upon twisting open a bottle of California red, I was pleasantly surprised with the smell and the consistency. The taste was noticeably light especially for a red wine.
Spanish UO! Wines is a line of three wines created with homosexual men in mind, and its descriptions, packaging and website imagery were all tailored accordingly. UO! Ánima Blanca, for example, is a Sauvignon Blanc and Verdejo blend featuring earth tones and “wisps of flowers and fruit – the perfect accompaniment to a gathering of friends on a hot day, whether the heat comes from within or without.” Antinoo, meanwhile, is a Monastrell that’s “young and mature, fruity, elegant, smooth….Mediterranean…. When you try it, shut your eyes and imagine that you are licking rivulets of syrup from his body,” the company advises. Rounding out the line is Oscura Lágrima, a
Shiraz and Merlot blend that’s “dark, dense and turbulent.”
Underscoring the connection it sees between wine and sexual orientation, UO! explains: “Right from the time you see the wine in the display case, we want to insure that the bottle speaks about more than its delicious contents; that it has to do with you; that you are offering whoever you are with something more than a simple glass of wine.”