The market does not expand, but it evolves
According to Norbert Káhn, Gyermely Zrt.’s commercial director the pasta market has been at a standstill in the past three years. Hungarian consumers still prefer egg pasta, which has a market share of nearly 80 percent. László Sajcz, Mary-Ker Pasta Kft.’s marketing and commercial director added that private labels keep strengthening and sales of cheaper products also increase. Ferenc Sárik, Cerbona Zrt.’s brand manager used Nielsen data to show that in the April 2009-March 2010 period the pasta market slightly contracted, if compared with the previous twelve months. Pastas with egg content below 4 increased their popularity.
János Puskás, Família 1997 Bt.’s sales director explained the latter trend with the increased price sensitivity of shoppers. Restaurants and public catering are a key market for Gyermely Zrt. and Mr Káhn told our magazine that restaurants buy quality products in increasing number. However, the trinity of spaghetti Bolognese, macaroni Milanese and cottage cheese noodles seems to be the limit of their imagination. Mary-Ker introduced its Korona® Omega3 product range to the market – these products are made with linseed oil that contains Ω3 unsaturated fatty acid. Cerbona focuses on its cholesterol-free durum pastas. At the end of last year, Gyermely came out with artisan pasta that belongs to the premium segment in both content value and packaging. Lasagne and tagliatelle are made from excellent durum flour, with 4 fresh eggs added per kilogram. Família 1997 Bt. will start selling a new garnish pasta soon – an alternative to ‘nokedli’ (dumplings).
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