Nébih: none of the tested plant-based protein powders met the labeling requirements

By: Trademagazin Date: 2023. 12. 13. 11:07

None of the plant-based protein powders among those examined by the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) in cooperation with the Sports Nutrition Science Center of the Hungarian University of Physical Education and Sport did not meet the labeling requirements, Nébih told MTI on Wednesday.

Among other things, the authority objected to the names of the products, the nutritional labeling and the indication of their ingredients, and the manufacturers must pay a total of HUF 3.5 million fines.

They added that the test results showed a food quality defect in four products. One was found to contain a sweetener that cannot be used in this product group, another contains a yeast extract that cannot be used as a mineral, and two more products have not been proven to have a reduced energy content. The manufacturers must modify the composition of the products due to the errors, they wrote.

According to the announcement, 5 of the tested protein powders were advertised as soy-free, and one of them contained soy, contrary to the label, and was therefore withdrawn from the market.