Tesco uses solar energy to generate 26 percent of its store energy needs
Tesco has built small household-sized solar power plants on the roofs of 25 of its stores across the country. The power plants that provide renewable energy are able to cover an average of 26 percent of the energy consumption of the stores concerned, and they mean cost savings of more than HUF 150 million per year for the company. With the investment worth more than 1.3 million euros, Tesco has taken another important step in order to make its operations carbon neutral by 2035.
Tesco has installed solar panel systems in 25 of its stores across the country, which generate electricity locally on the roofs of the stores. As a result of the installation taking place between November 2023 and February 2024, the company will be able to replace an average of 26 percent of the stores’ energy consumption with self-produced electricity, with which, according to the supermarket chain’s calculations, it will be able to save more than HUF 150 million.
Through certificates, Tesco has been using 100 percent renewable electricity since 2020, but its sustainability goals include achieving carbon-neutral operation by 2035, which it wants to extend to the entire supply chain by 2050. The investment worth 1,377,000 euros is another milestone in the life of Tesco for the effective reduction of network energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions, which has been supported by numerous other measures in recent years. Since 2016, emissions have been reduced by 63 percent thanks to, among other things, the switch to LED lighting or the use of lockable refrigerator doors.
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