NAK: the ratio of domestic products in stores must be maintained
The National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) initiated a wide-ranging professional consultation with food retail operators operating in the country. The purpose of the meeting was to ensure that, despite cheap imports that promise significant economic benefits, the proportion of Hungarian products in the supply of domestic retail chains does not decrease, the chamber told MTI on Wednesday.
On Tuesday, the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) discussed the role of domestic products and their place in food retail with representatives of domestic retail chains.
Among others, the Association of Responsible Food Manufacturers (FÉSZ), the Ministry of Agriculture (AM), the Economic Competition Authority (GVH), as well as the National Trade Association and the Hungarian National Trade Association took part in Tuesday’s meeting.
The participants of the discussion agreed that during the period of the food price freeze, traders – understanding its nature as a social measure – conveyed a significant discount to Hungarian customers. At the same time – as the organizations representing producers, food producers, and traders have previously indicated – the price cap initiated unfavorable processes in the retail trade and strengthened them in the food chain.
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