Plastic-free July: SPAR launched an attitude-shaping campaign

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 07. 03. 12:10

SPAR Hungary also joined the plastic-free July. The goal of the attitude-shaping initiative, which covers the whole month, is to draw the attention of the customers of the stores and the company’s more than 14,000 employees to the importance of reducing plastic waste.

Responsible waste management is an important part of SPAR Hungary’s sustainability program, within which the reduction of plastic waste is also a priority. In addition, the company pays a lot of attention to attitude formation. The ten-part animation series ÖKO KALAND, available on SPAR’s YouTube page, tells stories for kindergarten and elementary school children about topics such as the importance of selective waste collection or the avoidance of single-use plastics. Together with Nestlé Hungária Plan smartly! and the publication – also available online – supports the development of environmentally conscious consumer habits with informative reviews and budget-friendly practical tips.

“In the field of waste management, plastic waste generated in households is a big challenge. Therefore, our company launched the Plastic-Free July campaign from the first day of the month, in the framework of which we try to draw attention to the importance of reducing the use of plastic among our customers and our almost 14,000 employees. In addition to the SPAR website, our initiative will take place on store posters, on the company’s Instagram page, on flyers, and in the MySPAR application in the month of July.

– explained Márk Maczelka, head of communications at SPAR Hungary.

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