Shoppers prefer general detergents and special-use cleaning products

By: trademagazin Date: 2010. 09. 22. 08:00

From the results of Gfk Hungária’s Eating Habits study we learn that the average Hungarian flat owner cleans the flat 2.3 times per week. 27 percent of them do it many times a week, 26 percent cleans the flat once a week and 15 percent are neat and tidy enough to do it every day! According to Gfk Hungária’s ConsumerScan, in the first half of 2010 57 percent of Hungary’s population bought household cleaning products and 83 percent purchased some kind of detergent, rinse or bleach. 65 percent of households bought detergent and 97 percent of them opted for general detergents in the examined period; most buyers prefer washing powders, but liquid detergents are increasingly popular.

It is noteworthy that women in the 30-50 age group buy liquid detergents more often than others. 61 percent of households bought rinse too and only one third put bleach in their basket. As regards household cleaning products, special-use products are a bit more popular than general purpose cleaners. From special cleaners scrubbing products and rust removers had the biggest share in the first half of 2010.

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