MIZSE natural mineral water 1,5 l

By: Tisza Andrea Date: 2019. 03. 28. 09:23

Mizse natural mineral water has returned to store shelves with a new look. The still versions are now marketed in rectangular bottles, but there are other changes too, as the product labels now feature Polli. The main character in the Mizse television commercial – it is needless to say that in full octopus costume – temporarily takes the place of the usual Mizse octopuses on the label.

Kapcsolatfelvétel: Magyarvíz Kft.

Kapcsolattartó: Végh Andrea vevőszolgálat-vezető; T.: 06-76-556-024;
e-mail: vevoszolgalat@magyarvizkft.hu;
web: primaveraviz.hu

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