What do we drink at festivals?

By: Ipacs Tamás Date: 2022. 08. 01. 08:26

Spritzers are clearly the hits of festivals. You can read interesting information about which ones are included and what they are made of from Hilltop’s online research.

A válaszadók szerint a változatosság belefér, de a mértéktelenség nem

A non-representative online survey of the Hilltop winery confirmed the obvious: we like to go to festivals. So much so that the time or the ticket price barely influence the choice, but the list of performers is the driving force – at least 70 percent of the respondents are attracted by the performers. Almost half of the respondents prefer to visit the events on a few special days, while 30 percent attend for one day, and only 11.9 percent attend all days of the festival. The respondents would rather share their experiences with 1-2 good friends (84.2%) than move with a larger group.

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