What ends up in the washing machine?
Instead of detergent powders, a growing number of consumers buy liquid or gel detergents or those in pre-portioned doses. Consequently, we find these products in the portfolio of every big manufacturer and in both the premium and the lower price segment. Trade magazin learned from Zsolt Karancsi, corporate communications manager with P&G that the average Hungarian housewife washes four times a week, typically at 40 degrees. Each brand offers general detergents and detergents for white clothes and for coloured textiles. What is more, there are special products for people with sensitive skin and for children’s clothes. As a result of the economic recession, consumers started to prefer those products which offer solutions for more problems. A good example of this is recently introduced Ariel 3D, a detergent that is also capable of removing stains. The active components of Ariel 3D can enter the inside of the fabric and guarantee perfect cleaning. Ariel’s Lenor Touch versions give textiles an extra freshness, a pleasant scent and softness, thanks to the Lenor softener that they contain. P&G implemented a large-scale campaign last year to promote new products, and at women’s website tündérretikül.hu registered users could ask for free product samples, about which they gave lots of positive feedback. Anna Siba, Henkel Magyarország Kft.’s product manager spoke to our magazine about Persil Fresh Pearls by Silan detergent and Color gel – these products are also combined with softener – and Persil Sensitive, which has been developed for people with sensitive skin. Persil Expert is a compact detergent, the volume of which is reduced but it has the same washing efficiency and even contains stain removing components. Nóra Kisfürjesi, Henkel Magyarország Kft.’s brand manager emphasised the fact that demand for detergents for delicate fabrics is growing. The launch of Perwoll Brilliant is part of this trend: the company revamps and renames the whole Perwoll product line this April. New Perwoll Brilliant (Color, Black, White) uses a special formula that prevents colours from fading. Miklós Konkoly, junior category operations manager with Unilever spoke to us about the softener market and we got to know that both value and volume sales dropped last year. Despite this negative Trend Coccolino managed to increase value sales in the second half of the year. Although it is still basic scents that realise the majority of sales (e.g. Coccolino Blue Splash), sensory scents such as different Coccolino Sensation versions are becoming more important – innovation activity has also taken this direction. Another growth opportunity is large packaging units because sales are going in this direction, especially in hypermarkets. The softener segment is still strongly promotion-driven. Henkel came out with a new softener product family this January: Silan Royal is available in Gold, Pearl and Black versions. Eszter Tőrös Végh, Spotless Hungary Kft.’s junior brand manager told our magazine that consumers expect maximum efficiency from washing additives and at the same time they prefer products that do not place a burden on the environment. The company’s leading good is Dylon Colour Catcher®, an innovative product that absorbs and traps loose dyes in the wash water, protecting clothes against colour bleeds. This year the market leader put Black Colour Renovator on the market: it restores the original colour of black clothes with just one wash.
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