The Retailer of the Year 2024 Winners Announced

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 09. 26. 22:28

Trade magazine hosted the Retailer of the Year competition for the 10th time, inviting sales points and retail chains with registered offices in Hungary to participate.

Every year, Trade magazine rewards the successful work of retailers, whether it is a single sales point or a chain of multiple stores. This year’s competition, announced each spring, was held under a new name, with a simpler appearance and format. Similar to previous years, entries for the 2024 Retailer of the Year competition could only be submitted electronically, but with more categories to allow broader participation.

The competition was open to stores that best matched their sales concept with design, where the exterior and interior shop appearances, product presentation, staff, and service aligned with the needs of the target audience and were also reflected in their communication. The competition had no restrictions on store profile—participants ranged from grocery stores to bookstores, national tobacco shops, pharmacies, manufacturer brand stores, and hospitality units. Owners, tenants, architects, designers, and contractors could enter individually or jointly. The competition also continued for retail chains in the same categories, evaluated based on market results, achievements, development goals, and complex operational assessments. Several special award sponsors joined this year’s competition as well.

Nearly forty entries were judged by a renowned professional jury, while customers could also highlight their favorites with audience awards, both in the sales point and chain categories. In addition to category winners, audience awardees, and special award winners, absolute winners were selected, those receiving the highest points from the jury. Three new special awards were also introduced this year.

Nébih KMÉ Sustainability Award:

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) supports the High-Quality Food (KMÉ) trademark, a national quality system in the Hungarian food sector. Since its creation, Nébih has continuously promoted climate-friendly approaches within the domestic food chain. Thus, sustainability, alongside quality and food safety, is a core requirement for products bearing the trademark. This award recognized the “greenest” retailer from among the Retailer of the Year entries, selected and awarded by Nébih based on specific criteria.

Special Awards by MARS Hungary and Trade Magazine:

This year, MARS Hungary also supported the Retailer of the Year competition, exclusively offering a special award to a retail chain. Similarly, Trade magazine, for the first time in 2024, selected a special award winner, focusing on retail chains and their unique projects with outstanding performances compared to previous years.

The award ceremony took place on September 26, 2024, at the conference gala dinner. A total of 22 entries were recognized. Among the competitors, the sales point with the best evaluation received the Store of the Year Hungary award, while the most successful retail chains were awarded the Retailer of the Year 2024 title.

2024 Retailer of the Year Winners:

Main Category: Sales Points

Store of the Year (Hypermarket):
INTERSPAR – Debrecen, Mikepércsi út
SPAR Magyarország Kft.

Store of the Year (Large Supermarket):
Príma Corvin Plaza, Budapest
Városház-Centrál Kft.

Store of the Year (Supermarket):
Budapest, Szent Imre utca / Görgey Artúr utca
SPAR Magyarország Kft.

Store of the Year (Discount):
200th Store – Budaörsi út, Budapest
Lidl Magyarország Bt.

Store of the Year (Small-Scale Store):
Kübekháza, Petőfi tér
Coop Szeged Zrt.

Store of the Year (Drugstore):
Árkád Budapest
Rossmann Magyarország Kft.

Store of the Year (Franchise):
Szeged, Tisza Lajos körút
Fornetti Kft.

Store of the Year (Shopping Center) and Overall Store of the Year:
ETELE Plaza, Budapest
Futureal Prime Properties One

Store of the Year (Pharmacy):
Budapest, 18th District, Thököly út
BENU Magyarország Zrt.

Store of the Year (Fruit and Vegetable) and Overall Store of the Year:
Szeged, Mérey utca
Vitamin Szalon Kft.

Online Store of the Year:
Square One Media Kft.

Audience Award (Store):
Tesco Pólus, Budapest
Tesco-Global Áruházak Zrt.

Main Category: Retail Chains

Retailer of the Year (Hypermarket) and Nébih-KMÉ Sustainability Special Award Winner:
Auchan Magyarország Kft.

Retailer of the Year (Supermarket):
SPAR Magyarország Kft.

Retailer of the Year (Discount), MARS Special Award Winner, and Overall Retailer of the Year:
Lidl Magyarország Bt.

Retailer of the Year (Small-Scale Chain):
CO-OP Hungary Zrt. (Modernized 461 rural small stores through the Hungarian Village Program, 2021-2023)

Retailer of the Year (Drugstore):
Rossmann Magyarország Kft.

Retailer of the Year (Wholesale):
METRO Kereskedelmi Kft.

Retailer of the Year (Franchise Chain):
Dél-100 Kft.

Retailer of the Year (Pharmacy Chain):
BENU Magyarország Zrt.

Trade Magazine Special Award:
Penny-Market Kft.

Audience Award (Chain) and Nébih-KMÉ Sustainability Special Award Winner:
Tesco-Global Áruházak Zrt.

Congratulations to all the winners!

Retailer of the Year 2024 Jury Members:




Eszter Benedek

Magyar Termék

Managing Director

Andreas Christou


Managing Director

Ágnes Csiby

POPAI Hungary


Ildikó Havasiné Kátai

Trade Marketing Club


Zsuzsanna Hermann

Trade Magazine

Managing Director, Editor-in-Chief

László Hovánszky

Lánchíd Club

Founder, President (2003-2024)

Dr. Tamás Kozák

National Trade Association

Secretary General

Dr. Katalin Mandel

Hungarian Franchise Association

Secretary General

Dr. Péter Németh

University of Pécs

Adjunct Professor

CoRe Lab

Lead Researcher

Katalin Neubauer

National Retail Federation of Hungary

Secretary General

Dr. György Pleva



Dr. László Szűcs

PwC Legal


Bálint Török

Wanzl Hungary

Business Line Manager

Tünde Turcsán

Consumer Panel Services GfK-YouGov

Managing Director

Erik Vágyi

NielsenIQ Hungary

Managing Director

We extend our thanks to the jury for their work!

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