Practical training at the Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences is renewed
The integration of university companies and organizational units serving practical education and research has been completed, and MATE Tanggazdaság Nonprofit Kft. was established as of August 1, 2024.
The newly created business company with headquarters in Gödöllő farms a total of 3,548 hectares in 5 locations in 4 counties, of which 1,796 hectares are arable land. In addition to arable crop production, horticulture and viticulture, it also has many livestock farms where more than 14,000 animals are cared for every day. Students can learn about poultry, waterfowl, rabbit, pig, sheep, cattle, buffalo, donkey, deer and horse husbandry technology. In our dairy farm in Kaposvár, students can meet the most modern robotic milking technology. In addition to horse riding, young people can also learn how to drive gear in the 4 stables of the teaching farm, but they also operate a game processing plant, winery, restaurant, boarding house, game park and museum. On January 1, 2023, the Keszthely-based Georgikon Tanüzem Nonprofit Kft. changed its name to establish MATE Tanggazdaság Nonprofit Kft., which, as a 100%-owned business company operating the teaching farms of the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE), was assigned to perform the practical training tasks of the University. On February 1, 2023, MATE Tanggazdaság Nonprofit Kft. will also integrate the educational economics unit on the Kaposvári Campus of MATE, which until then had been operating within the framework of the university. On July 4, 2023, MATE Nonprofit Kft., which operates the educational facilities of the MATE Szent István Campus – which took over the activity of operating the tangazdaság from GAK Nonprofit Közhhasznú Kft., also merged into the organizational units of MATE Tangazdaság Nonprofit Kft. In 2023, the company carried out the practical teaching, research and development activities of the University on nearly 2,000 hectares on the three campuses of MATE (Gödöllő, Keszthely, Kaposvár), mainly in the field of crop cultivation and animal husbandry. From September 1, 2023, our company will also operate the teaching farm of the MATE Móricz Zsigmond Agricultural Technical School, Vocational Training School and College in Kaposvár, thus ensuring the practical training of vocational school students.
By autumn 2025, the Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences will renew the infrastructure of practical training with a HUF 3 billion development MATE and the established MATE Tanggazdaság Nonprofit Kft. won nearly HUF 2 billion in non-refundable support in the framework of two applications of its
Rural Development Program announced in 2023 (identification number VP1-1.2.1-23 “Support for Demonstration Plants”), which the agrarian and it serves to strengthen the population retention capacity of the countryside. The University will supplement this amount with another 1 billion forints, so the practical training infrastructure on the University’s three largest campuses will be renewed to the value of about 3 billion forints. The infrastructure development within the framework of the project makes it possible to model and demonstrate the integration of practical plant cultivation, animal husbandry, plant breeding, technical knowledge and energy into one system to both students and farmers. Based on the owner’s decision, the merger process of the Bőszénfa deer farm (Kaposvári Campus Szolgáltató Kft.), the Georgikon Equestrian Education and Horse Breeding Center (MATE) in Keszthely, the Pannon Equestrian Academy (MATE) in Kaposvár, and the horticultural education farm of the Buda Campus Soroksár began on January 1, 2024. (MKSZN Nonprofit Kft.), so we can provide practical training for students participating in the MATE courses in almost all sectors of agriculture.
On July 11, 2024, the company court registered that MATE Tanggazdaság Nonprofit Kft., MKSZN Nonprofit Kft. and Kaposvári Campus Nonprofit Kft. merged into GAK Nonprofit Kft., the procedure ends on July 31, 2024, August 1 from , the new company, MATE Tanggazdaság Nonprofit Kft., is established.
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