Small shops must be helped
At a press conference broadcast on the MSZP Facebook page, László Varga presented his party’s five-point rescue package to households, part of which is that the government compensates the losses of convenience stores due to price-capped products. He said that according to the latest data from the Central Statistical Office, the number of retail units has decreased significantly, more than 4,500 small shops closed last year.
According to him, the closings are also tragic because these small shops meant the livelihood of 10-15 thousand people, and it is also a serious problem that there was a settlement where the last working shop closed. According to the opposition politician, small shops are also affected by the fact that they can only “compensate” the price of products with a price cap in a smaller range of products than larger shops.
He also mentioned that, according to a survey, sixty percent of the population feels that they have to make do with lower-quality food, and eighty percent believe that they are forced to reduce their consumption. According to his assessment, the shrinking of purchasing power will continue, and this will lead to more store closures.
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