Family farmers must be strengthened

By: STA Date: 2024. 10. 17. 10:30

Family farms play a key role in strengthening global food security and promoting sustainable agriculture, Minister of Agriculture István Nagy stated on Tuesday at the Global Forum of Family Farms in Rome.

(Photo: AM)

At the event, the head of the ministry emphasized that Hungarian agricultural policy has been based on supporting small and medium-sized farms for many years, and he considers this practice to be a priority task as president of the Council of the European Union. Family farms are not only the backbone of agriculture, but their role is crucial in preserving the viability of rural communities and ensuring the long-term sustainability of rural areas, the head of the agricultural ministry underlined. Regarding domestic results, the minister drew attention to the fact that the number of small farms increased from 22,000 to 52,000 in more than ten years. In terms of financial assistance, agricultural producers in Hungary receive double area-based support up to a holding size of 10 hectares, he added.

István Nagy said that in recent years, Hungary has taken many steps in order to promote the generational change in the field of agriculture

To this end, the Hungarian Parliament adopted the Act on Family Farms in 2020, the purpose of which is to support the smallest farms, simplify agricultural administration, increase the competitiveness of producers, and create a stable economic environment. In addition, the legislation on the transfer of agricultural holdings also served this purpose. He explained that family farms are not only responsible for a significant part of the food supply, but also contribute to the maintenance of biodiversity and the strengthening of rural communities with their activities. Support for small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises must therefore be continued – underlined the head of the agricultural ministry.

During the day, the minister also participated in the European and Central Asian regional assembly workshop of the Global Youth Forum within the framework of the World Food Forum (WFF)

At the event, the head of the ministry spoke about the fact that almost 2,300 young farmers successfully applied for various schemes in our Rural Development Program, which is now closing, and won 66 billion forints in targeted support.


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