Already six out of ten young people choose vocational training

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 09. 30. 11:03

Already six out of ten choose vocational training after the eighth grade of elementary school, and the government wants to further strengthen this ratio – said Veronika Varga-Bajusz, the State Secretary responsible for higher education, vocational and adult training and youth at the Ministry of Culture and Innovation, on the M1 current channel Család24 on Sunday. in his show.

It was said in the program that this fall, more than 320,000 students started the academic year in one of the vocational training institutions.

They added that vocational training is also popular because, in addition to the scholarship, it gives young people more choices and a vision for the future.

The state secretary announced that in the last three years, the number of people who continued their studies in higher education after technical school has doubled. He called certified technical school training the strongest direction: the curricula of universities and technical schools have been harmonized for certain courses, and thus, after passing the professional exam, a first-year student can receive 30 or even 60 credits upon entering the university.

The show also drew attention to the fact that the high quality of Hungarian vocational training is also proven by the results achieved in international competitions.

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