According to a survey, the majority in Hungary is open to artificial intelligence

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 09. 13. 11:44

The majority is open to artificial intelligence (AI) in Hungary, but few still use it; although the proportion of those who believe they know what artificial intelligence is is 79 percent, they only score 3.9 points on a scale of 10 when it comes to its practical use – revealed the representative research of Publicis Groupe Hungary and GKID Research & Consulting.

According to their statement sent to MTI on Thursday, according to the research with more than two thousand participants, 26 percent of the respondents use AI-based applications on a daily basis, most often for translation (53 percent), general searches (45 percent) and answering personal questions (35 percent).

Students stand out, 78 percent of them use AI for school assignments.

Among the most well-known AI tools are language recognition and machine translation software, which 69 percent of the population is familiar with and 51 percent actively use.

In addition, a third of respondents use chatbots and virtual customer service assistants, while 26 percent use virtual smart assistants such as Siri or Google Assistant.

According to the research, there are also significant generational differences in the use of AI: younger people, especially generation Z, actively use AI, while older people prefer learning about the technology on a theoretical level.

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