Chocolate bars recovering
Life is not very easy for chocolate bars nowadays. Healthy competition however, has resulted in growth not only for private labels, but also for brands successful in innovation, leading to polarisation of the market. – The market of healthy biscuit bars with functional benefits (like members of the Győri Édes Jó reggelt product line) showed expansion of 75 per cent in the first half of the year, compared to the same period last year – said Gabriella Pogács, trade marketing manager of Győri Keksz Kft. Ambivalence is reflected in sales figures, as the market share of discount stores and over 100 gram size products is growing, but average prices are also rising at the same time. – The market is developing in two opposite direction at the same time. Major brands target most of their innovations at the premium category – agrees VIktória Pöll, brand manager from Kraft Foods Hungária Kft. – This is not a contradiction, the two trends coexist – she adds. There was also a quite prosaic reason for the sudden prise rise at the end of last year, the restrictive government measures which had been introduced. As products are light and the category is impulsive, it is no wonder that a substantial number of brands compete in stores. As the most important consideration for consumers in choosing a brand is flavour, manufacturers have to satisfy consumer needs without their products cannibalising each other and staying distinctly different from competitors. The leading brand of Kraft Foods among chocolate bars is Sport, made in a number of versions like Sport Kextrém Sport Meggyes. It has also entered the ice cream category. – We try to employ the widest range of marketing tools and we are using an increasing number of secondary media apart from TV – says VIktória Pöll. Győri Keksz Kft. has targeted its brands, Balaton, Győri Édes Kismackó and Pepito at well defined target groups. – The Győri Édes Kismackó filled with chocolate, milk and strawberry cream is for the youngest age group. Apart from its sweet flavour, its teddy-bear shape has made it a favourite. It is also free of preservatives – says Gabriella Pogács. – Pepito Csokocsillag is for older kids, while Balaton is popular among all age groups, though it also has a specific target group, at which communication is targeted primarily. – We focus mainly on POS activities, as this is the area with the greatest potential for development – explains Gabriella Pogács.
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