Magazine: Fruit flavours closed in a jar
The fruits Hungarians grow in their gardens for themselves (or buy in the marketplace) create a stable market for home preserving supplies. According to Eszter Varga, trade marketing and category manager of Dr. Oetker Hungary, how much fruit is grown differs year after year and this influences sales of preserving supplies too. Márta Galácz, managing director of Kotányi Hungária Kft. added that the home preserving season starts in May-June and ends in August-September. Demand is the biggest for gelatine, citric acid and sodium bicarbonate.
Ms Varga revealed that products made for health-conscious consumers, such as Dr. Oetker Preserving Sugar with Fructose and Sweeteners and Dr. Oetker Preserving Sugar with Stevia, are more and more popular. Those shops are important in sales which are close to where consumers live. From the home preserving supply categories in which Dr. Oetker is present, the jam fix category is the strongest, followed by preserving sugars and preservative substances. In 2016 the company comes out with two new products: Dr. Oetker Spicy Jam Fix and Dr. Oetker Express Jellyfier for Making Strawberry Sauce. The former can be of great help to those who would like to make very tasty jam, with high fruit content, really quickly. The latter can be used to make fresh strawberry sauce from 250g of strawberry without cooking, in practically no time.
Renáta Kamocsai, marketing manager of Ed.Haas Hungaria Kft. explained that from jellifying products sales of the low-sugar versions are developing better. Innovation activity with the Haas Quttin brand has been implemented with this trend in mind, and in 2016 the company launched the Haas Quttin Sugar Stop jellyfier: using this means there is no need for added sugar when making jam – it will go thick and stay good for a long time. Another new product from the company this year is the Haas Quittin Elder Syrup Preservative. Kotányi Hungária Kft. is present in the home preserving supplies market with Horváth Rozi products. The company works on increasing sales with price promotions and secondary placement in stores. In order to make using their products easier, Kotányi Hungária Kft. developed 2:1 and 3:1 jellyfying products of vegetable origin. In the last few years they also added preservatives for pickles and fruit preserves to their assortment. /
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