Magazine: More than a thousand items in Christmas gift packs
In November-December 2012 consumers spent nearly HUF 3.5 billion on about 2 million gift packs. In terms of value 3 percent less was spent than in the same period of 2012 and in volume the decline was even bigger, 12 percent. Deodorant and shower gel remained the most popular products for gift packs, their individual sales were bigger than HUF 600 million in the two-month period. Altogether 1,016 items were sold in Christmas gift packs, 5 percent fewer than a year before. In 2012 the average Christmas gift pack cost HUF 1,492, but in 2013 they were 10 percent more expensive at HUF 1,646. It is in hypermarkets where gift packs sell the best: from total gift pack sales 55 percent were realised in these units.
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