Magazine: Matchmaking at the highest level… because not only business success matters!
Managers often struggle with finding their partner in life: they are busy and don’t have time for themselves. Irina Beke is the owner of dating agency First Class and she has been helping businesspersons find their partners in life for 12 years Ms Beke used to be a top manager before and she adapted the headhunting methods acquired in her previous job to matchmaking conditions. In this new column she shares her experiences with Trade magazin’s readers: ‘One of my clients, Zoltán (46, top manger) asked for my help. After two successful dates wit h Mónika (35, economic expert) she didn’t want to meet again. Zoltán wanted to understand the reasons so I called Mónika. She told me that she had a good time on the fist date in a restaurant, but on the second they went to play squash and after the first match Zoltán didn’t sense that she preferred talking instead of playing, so they played two more matches. I think Zoltán wasn’t sensitive enough in this situation and he couldn’t read Mónika’s feelings. But he wasn’t the only one who made a mistake here: she expected something from him which he wasn’t; instead she should have told him face to face that she didn’t want to play more matches because she wanted to sit down and have a conversation to get to know each other even better. Men are often sacred of women who are too sensitive because they are afraid that they would never be able to be good enough for them and would always mess up things because they aren’t sensitive enough. On the contrary, men really appreciate it when women openly communicate their needs to them.’
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