Magazine: Frozen yogurt
Frozen yogurt made its debut in the USA in the 1980s.
It is lighter than ordinary soft ice cream, contains less fat and fewer calories – thanks to these characteristics it is completely in line with today’s dominant health trends. Frozen yogurt is made from yogurt, milk and something else that confectioners aren’t willing to tell, everyone use their own recipes. Frozen yogurt is sold with innumerable types of toppings. The Jono Yogo chain has units in three Budapest shopping centres and it is them who offer the widest range (twelve varieties) of frozen yogurts – their version is a bit like sorbet. In our view the best frozen yogurt flavours are available in Chill box: they make them from Greek yogurt and the base material is imported from Greece. The use of toppings on frozen yoghurts totally harmonises with the trend of mixing ingredients of different texture, but it also makes the consumption and selling of frozen yogurt a bit more complicated, so the conquest of this healthy cold delicacy is slower than it could be. n
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