Magazine: Is Artisjus to be replaced?
CloudCasting Kft. has invited Ákos Bardóczy and Károly Zerényi from the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) to discuss the music use-related matters of bars, restaurants, hotels and the like. CloudCasting managing director Tibor Kővári told that the company’s direct rights management background music service is currently used by 10,000-15,000 hospitality units, including McDonald’s, Burger King and KFC.
Subscribers of this service only need to pay 55 percent of the Artisjus fee to the company. There is an EU directive from 2014, according to which collective rights management organisations other than Artisjus will be allowed to operate in Hungary. For MVI it is important to have others in the music use right market, not only Artisjus.