Magazine: Brand building strategy and practice – Part 2

Mile Gabriella
When we got to know our consumers, the next task is marketing. It is always the strategy that controls the implementation of marketing ideas – or in other words the strategy should never be adapted to how ideas get to be realised in practice. An important element of knowing consumers is being aware of which factors influence their purchase decisions. When a company wishes to increase its marketing efficiency, those involved often feel they are going around in circles, as they keep evaluating the current situation and making decisions on what the next step should be. In the focal point of this process we find the goals (profit, volume sales, loyalty, etc.). We should always focus our work on measuring to what extent we have reached our goals, because based on this we can recommend steps to improve results. Let’s say the goal is to increase brand equity. Our strategy can be communicating health-related characteristics of our product. We make an action plan which revolves around advertising the product in a major health magazine. We collect the necessary information we wish to communicate and make arrangements for the budget. The more we spend, the stricter and more precise we have to be when analysing – if we want our campaign to be efficient. In this respect it is also very important to pay attention to pricing, promotion and segmentation. The marketing mix has to be modelled and television ad viewing stats have to be measured. No campaign can be successful these days without social media activities. Nielsen offers all of the above in one package, in order to provide market players with a clear picture of what consumers watch and buy. Several studies have already established the fact that the more precisely and consistently influences are analysed, the better results marketing will deliver.