A bird flu epidemic in a goose farm in Nógrád county
The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) confirmed the presence of the bird flu virus at a goose farm in Nógrád county. The herd is being killed, and the animal health authority has also designated protection and observation areas.

(Photo: Pixabay)
In the colony of 5,176 breeding geese located in Cered, Nógrád county, the livestock keeper began to suspect disease due to increased mortality and reduced egg production. Finally, the Nébih laboratory confirmed the presence of the H5N1 subtype of the virus. Animal health specialists immediately started to liquidate the affected herd. Furthermore, a 3 km radius protection zone and a 10 km radius observation zone were designated around the given farm. Given that both districts cross the national border and also affect Slovakian areas, the national chief veterinarian immediately notified the Slovak veterinary authority.
We don”t get rid of the disease
The above case also confirms that the virus can also appear in lower-risk areas of the country – from the point of view of bird flu – and therefore domestic livestock keepers must do everything in order to protect their herds from the disease. You can find information about bird flu outbreaks and current information on international trade on the Nébih bird flu webpage: https://portal.nebih.gov.hu/madarinfluenza
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