Today, sympathy is no longer enough when choosing a good workforce

By: Trademagazin Date: 2023. 04. 27. 10:35

Selecting a good workforce requires a complex activity and a broad vision on the part of businesses. What can we do to ensure that the ideal candidate is selected? What else is worth paying attention to in addition to the main characteristics, which even an HR specialist would not necessarily think of right away? The X-Rock Private Investigation Agency and Breona are now revealing some tips.

Recruitment and subsequent successful retention are usually the responsibility of the HR department. In the case of smaller companies, it is not uncommon for the company managers to successfully complete these tasks. Whoever is responsible for them has a heavy burden on them, as both are vital to the survival and development of businesses. In principle, an organization works well in vain if there is no suitable workforce to carry out the activities in the required quality. The ideal workforce is therefore a condition for efficient operation. It is vital for the selection to carry out basic tests, and even here it is important to take an expert look at each candidate and the CV he has prepared.

“We often find that applicants who should have passed through the filters, if they were working effectively, slip through the HR department. It is worthwhile to comprehensively examine the circumstances of an applicant’s personal life, because if there are significant problems in his family life, in his relationship, or if he suffers from some serious addiction, these circumstances will only lead to careless work or frequent mistakes in the best case”

– said private investigator Zalán Doór, managing director of the X-Rock Private Investigation Office, who added that in more serious cases, insufficient knowledge of the background of applicants can even serve as a breeding ground for the business intelligence activities of competing companies.