András Lénárd sold his share in Csíki Sör

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 09. 20. 11:27

András Lénárd confirmed to the Székelyhon newspaper that he sold his 50% stake in the Csíki Group to the other owner of the company, reports Telex. The group of companies producing Csíki Sör and Csíki Tsipsz faced serious financial difficulties in the recent period, and recorded record losses in 2023.

According to the Romanian company database, the company generated a loss of more than 10 million lei, or approximately HUF 838 million, in 2023. This happened despite the fact that sales revenue increased slightly, but fell short of expectations compared to the rate of inflation.

“I can confirm the news, the transaction took place a few days ago, and my co-owner really bought out my 50 percent stake”

Lénárd told Székelyhon. According to the newspaper, the buyout took place at a company valuation of approximately 50 million euros, but Lénárd did not want to answer questions about the exact transaction amount.

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