Visibility at the highest level
BTL messages always target one specific group of customers and are generally related to a single stage of the shopping process. BTL communication is generally local or regional, but the messages and goals of the given brand are decisive
. At each level of communication the same emotional, content and visual message has to come across, for which the advertiser needs to harmonise various communication channels, tools and material. Nobert Sulik, sales manager of BÉFLEX Zrt., told our magazine that their team takes over project management, planning, manufacturing, installation, replenishment and distribution tasks form partners, who only have to concentrate on marketing work. Győr-seated Felirat Reklám Műhely Kft.’s managing director Andrea Vargáné Lascsik informed us that the main goal with the marketing-purpose decoration of store portals, shop windows and trading areas is to create the desired atmosphere. The company helps to create tailor-made store characters that differentiate the unit from competitors. According to Dr István Réti, strategy director of Forma Display and ETresearch trade fairs only point out solutions that work in other places, but there is no universal solution that works everywhere, so the firm focuses on the special characteristics of the Hungarian market and makes suggestions based on them. BÉFLEX’s experience is that in international markets the strongly emphasised presence of brands is the most visible, because they use key image elements to define themselves and their messages in space dimensions as well. International markets use ‘digital signage’ solutions more frequently. They reinforce the brand and urge customers to be interactive and offer added value too. Hungarian trade marketing managers prefer traditional POS tools. In category development cosmetics and beer brands lead the way. Felirat Reklám Műhely Kft. opines that a store portal with a sophisticated, timeless design and well-placed ads and other signs is one of the most cost-efficient ways of advertising. It is practically a ‘sin’ not to use this opportunity for a store located in a busy place as according to the US Small Business Administration (SBA), 85 percent of turnover is generated by customers coming from an 8-10km radius. FormaDisplay’s team reckons that those tools are successful which are able to generate profit. Projects can only be successful if the product manufacturer and POS/POP developer cooperate; the cooperation has to be based on research and the trade marketing conversion process has to be managed well. Years ago the company established its own research division called ETresearch, through the work of which they realised that very often POS/POP tools aren’t efficient because they aren’t used the right way: when products are being purchased, shoppers who are in various ‘states’ have to be reached at the same time, therefore different tools have to be used. n
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