KSH: The number of employed people was 4 million 739 thousand in June

By: Trademagazin Date: 2022. 07. 28. 10:21
In June, the average number of employed persons aged 15-74 was 4,739,000, 53,000 more than in the previous month. In the three-month period from April to June, the average number of employed persons was 4,693,000, which is an increase of 74,000 compared to the second quarter of last year, the Central Statistical Office (KSH) reported on Thursday.

On an annual basis, the number of employed people increased by 74,000 in the second quarter

The number of workers in the domestic primary labor market increased by 67,000, and the number of workers abroad by 13,000, while the number of public employees decreased by 6,000 in the April-June period, compared to a year before. (MTI)