The number of MKB Széchenyi Rest Cards is close to 135 thousand
The MKB Széchenyi Rest Card is more and more popular: September a close to 135,000 employees owned MKB Széchenyi Rest Cards.
More than 5,000 employers provide the popular option of fringe benefits, which are accepted in more than 16 thousand service points throughout the country.
Since the launch of the Széchenyi Rest Card in2011, the employers allocated more than 28.5 billion HUF, of which nearly 24.1 billion HUF has flown into the economy. Only this year the cardusers used more than 8 billion HUF – Lehoczky László, CEO of the MKB Nyugdíjpénztárt és Egészségpénztárt Kiszolgáló Kft. (MKB Pension and Health Cashier Ltd.) told.
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