Government Decree on the emergency operation of cooling and heating equipment
The Hungarian Catering Industry Association draws the reader’s attention to the regulation on the emergency operation of refrigeration and heating equipment, the essence of which is that, with a few exceptions, only refrigeration and heating equipment with external air intake may be used in the catering business.
In its original legislative competence as defined in Article 53 (2) of the Basic Law, the Government, taking into account Article XII of 2020 on the protection against the coronavirus. in accordance with the provisions of Act XII of 2020 on the protection against coronavirus, in the original legislative competence specified in Article 53 (3) of the Basic Law. Pursuant to the authorization of the Parliament pursuant to Section 3 (1) of Act No.
§ 1
1. In view of the increased risk of infection in a catering business pursuant to the Government Decree on the conditions for the performance of commercial activities (hereinafter: catering business) – in accordance with subsection (3)
with the exception of only cooling and heating equipment with external air intake may be used.
(2) With the exception of subsection (3), the use of indoor air circulation equipment (hereinafter: equipment) in the catering business is prohibited.
3. The prohibition under paragraph 2 shall not apply
(a) rooms in which the use of the equipment is essential for the preservation of the condition of the raw materials stored there or for the smooth operation of the equipment operated there, and
(b) equipment equipped with UV sterilization technology.
§ 2
1. This Regulation, with the exception of paragraph 2, shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication.
(2) Section 3 shall enter into force on the fifteenth day following the promulgation of this Decree.
§ 3
The Government determines the scope of this Decree by Decree 40/2020 on the declaration of a state of emergency. (III. 11.) until the cessation of the emergency situation according to Government Decree.
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