(HU) Komoly változások jöhetnek a boltok polcain a klímaváltozás miatt
The consequences of climate change are increasingly serious in the Carpathian Basin, where plant species that were previously well adapted to local conditions may disappear, but the climate is no longer suitable for them. Raspberries, for example, are becoming rarer, while plants such as figs and certain types of bananas are becoming more common, experts point out.
Radical changes in agriculture
According to Csaba Gyuricza, rector of the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, agriculture must respond to climate change with an immediate and significant transformation. Soil and land use practices require dramatic changes, for example traditional plowing should be increasingly abandoned. Plowing causes significant damage to the soil, reduces the moisture content and burns organic matter, which can lead to the destruction of the topsoil in the long term. These problems could be alleviated with more modern, plow-free technologies – we can read in the vg.hu article.
New challenges of water use
Another significant problem of climate change is the decrease in the amount of usable water in the soil. It is not the amount of precipitation that falls that dramatically decreases, but rather the increased evaporation due to the rising temperature that causes the problem, so less water remains in the soil. In addition, with the increase in weather extremes, we encounter more and more intense, short-term rains, during which we cannot efficiently store the precipitation either in the soil or in reservoirs.
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