Serious advertising controls are coming

By: Trademagazin Date: 2025. 03. 24. 10:12

The National Trade and Consumer Protection Authority (NKFH) and the government agencies under its professional supervision will this year prioritize the inspection of advertisements targeting children and minors who are considered vulnerable consumers, but will also examine the advertising activities of influencers – the NKFH told MTI on Monday.

They noted that the violations revealed during last year’s inspections also justify the inspection of compliance with advertising rules and commercial regulations.

During the thematic inspection this year, they will focus on advertisements that harm the development of children or show children in dangerous or violent situations.

Of the almost 600 advertisements inspected, 39 did not comply with the legal requirements last year, primarily due to the advertising of alcohol products in the immediate vicinity of schools – they wrote, adding that this year too, the inspection of restrictions on the advertising of alcoholic beverages will not be omitted. These inspections cover all advertising media: outdoor advertising media, shop windows, newspapers and advertising magazines, leaflets, radio and television, as well as the internet.

The NKFH also inspects gaming software available on mobile phones, as the inspections have always found problems with the age rating of games in this category.

This year, the inspections will also cover the operation of opinion leaders, as in many cases it is not clear from the content produced that it contains advertising – the announcement states.

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