Pálinka-coctail novelties
The Rézangyal team began new and bold experiments. They are developing Pálinka coctails and according to the news; the alchemists of long winter evenings appeared in several points of the city, to test the results.
Nagy Zoltán cocktail guru was the master of the inspirations, but among the owners Gaspari Zsolt also could be the denominator of two exciting compositions.
"With the development and introduction of the Pálinka cocktails, our goal is to find fans among those who do not like pálinka. Another important aspect was that the developed cocktails can be prepared simply behind any bar counter of the country, or even at home, so therefore we excluded the extreme raw materials, during the development process, such as the use of molecular caviar "- said Maros Róbert, one of the owners of Rézangyal.
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