K&H: again at the top of the Financial Times ranking

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 06. 27. 09:46

K&H’s Belgian parent bank, the KBC Group, was included in the Financial Times magazine’s Climate Leaders list in 2024. In the last five years, it has reduced its own carbon footprint by nearly 64 percent.

According to scientists, global warming associated with climate change can cause much harsher weather than before in all parts of the world. Storms, floods, drought and spontaneous forest fires – these are the near future according to the scientific community. For European businesses and political actors, this means tougher conditions, as new regulations aimed at combating climate change are getting stricter.

The Financial Times magazine compiled the Climate Leaders list for the fourth time with the help of the Statista data provider. Based on the processed data, it can be stated that more and more large European companies are able to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. The researchers collected the data based on the companies’ reports on climate change. The research supporting the list examines which companies have reduced the emission of harmful substances to the greatest extent in the five-year period between 2017 and 2022.

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