Less snacks consumed than in 2009

By: trademagazin Date: 2010. 02. 14. 08:00

In October 2008-September 2009, chocolate (- 6%), sweet biscuit, salty biscuit (-11%), salty snack (- 8%) and family-size ice cream (-15%) sales all fell in terms of volume – reveal ConsumerScan data by GfK Hungária. As for turnover, only the chocolate category was able to keep up value sales. 9 out of 10 households bought some kind of chocolate/sweet-salty biscuit at least once in the examined period. 7 households out of 10 bought salty snacks and 4 put ice cream in their basket. Both buying frequency and volume per purchase decreased in all categories. Shopping frequency was down in the ice cream category the most (by 11 percent) and in the chocolate category the least (by 3 percent). Most frequently, we bought chocolate, 28 times in the examined twelve months. Biscuit volume per purchase diminished the most (by 6 percent), followed by ice cream and chocolate (at – 4 percent).

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